... is Power, actually I should have written it as – POWER! Authority. Control. Over…? The ‘over’ answer is – everything and anything that touches our lives, our world. Not gonna happen though for the vast majority of people.
So how do we compensate for this lack of total and utter control? By attempting to exercise or enforce our agenda through any means possible: force, domination, intimidation, influence, and some of the lesser obvious means such as passive aggressive behavior or the appearance of greater intellect, etc. in those areas we think we have a toehold – this can be family, church, job, and even ‘free time’s pursuits. Or maybe we do the ‘fleece’ thing of Gideon. Or maybe we attempt to resort to barter – I’ll do (fill in the blank) if God does (fill in the blank).
The problem may be power, but the question is why? Why the overwhelming need to have the power in/over your life? And I’m not recommending you surrender your power to another person. Personally, I found that the only time I had real, authentic power was when I submitted all I am, all I have, and all I hope for to the Lord. I realize it sounds counter intuitive – but the only way WE have power is when we willingly hand deliver ours – what we have, our dreams, hopes -, to the Lord. He is the one with the wisdom and unbiased/un-agendized understanding to have our best interests at heart even when it seems that He doesn’t. Truly, as we follow Him we are in control, we do have power – in the context of our understanding and maturity – to accept His answers. Remember His ways are higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:9), His plans are best (Jeremiah 29:11) and He never leaves us (Hebrews 13:5). These are strong foundations.
I do believe that many people think that if they relinquish the ‘power’ that they will become helpless and enslaved – a pawn, with no opportunity for personal needs and wants to be answered. I never said it was easy to willingly give the Lord the control, I said it was the only way to actually be in control. Besides, there is always this little thing called, ‘free will’. Relinquishing the power, in my world, is never a one and done. In every situation we have the option. To follow or to ‘go it alone’. Sometimes we really do understand what’s happening, other times we have to exercise our faith.
“…the ways of the Lord are right, and the upright walk in them,
but transgressors stumble in them.” (Hosea 14:9)
Every time I’ve stumbled, and they are numerous, I’ve ended up with skinned knees and chin and have wasted an incredible amount of time. However, it has strengthened and encouraged me to stop, ask the Lord, listen and proceed as confidently as possible. If I am in error – then I trust the Lord to help me to find the correct answer. He always does.