Ever thought that most people are susceptible to this? You? You! How could I accuse you of this?!! Simply because anyone at anytime can become swayed by the Mob mindset, and (sometimes) be unaware till later. The Mob mindset is swift, emotional, and can blindside us when we don’t act according to the standard the Lord provides. Actually acting on a self-entitled mob frame of reference is the quickest path to a very great fall! The ‘I deserve it because I have been (fill in the blank’s excuse). Before you get huffy or defensive or angry… think about it. Why? Why do we get swept away by a mob mindset?
We really don’t realize the damage that comes from a Mob mindset because it’s on so many levels – obvious and covert, visible or subversive. Principles fly out the window as a ‘I want what I deserve!’ pervades the situation. Perhaps you do, but is your method to attain (whatever) honorably? I’m not saying that whoever/whatever has acted honorably, the question is -are you? Do you even know what it is that you think you deserve?
From a different perspective, does it relate, in any way, to the fact that you act according to what you believe is best for you – which can be construed as self-entitlement? What too many people don’t realize (or accept) is that simply because something is a ‘good’ for someone else, it may not be your best good. Back to your ‘why’ – why are you following a mob mindset? For that matter, does the mob understand or care for the standard of equality or do they simply take what they want – very often violently: emotionally, spiritually, physically?
Whether or not you follow the mob, if you are with them then their acts will be attributed to you as well. Is what they are saying doing, what you believe? Is this what you want for all – not just yourself? I suspect that some of your decisions are based in your personal philosophy of whether you choose to swim with the tide (mob) or against (the prevailing mindset). You will be held accountable for your decisions/choices – for how you act and speak, especially in those difficult situations. It always is your decision on how you stand… and with whom.