We humans are so very quick to judge, to deflect blame, to point fingers, to act before we have heard both sides. None of us seem to be immune from this behavior. Quite honestly, it makes little difference if ‘everyone’ acts this way… what about you? Do you act as judge, jury, and executioner and then ‘share’ your beliefs (gossip?) with one and all? This is especially true for the church. I was told, early in my Christian walk, that we are the only ones who kill our wounded. This has to stop! We all need to take a vow that we will not engage in this behavior any longer. If it doesn’t start with me – who will begin… and when.
We all sin, misunderstand, act hastily, etc. And we all can say, “There, but for the grace of God, go I.” Not necessarily the same issue, but none of us have clean hands. We all need, rely on the grace of God to cover us with His mercy. Can we do less to a fellow Christian? When there is error we see in words or behavior, we should follow scripture’s model – speak with the person we believe is wrong FIRST. Are there reasons they have, are doing what they do? Ask questions, don’t just immediately condemn. Is the person aware of the affects on others of what they said/did? Why did they do what they did? Without understanding there is little basis to effect any change. Never turn a ‘blind eye’ to sin – but attempt to affect restoration.
What should we do? There’s a marvelous example in scripture. Remember the incident when a woman was found in adultery and was brought before Jesus… what did He do? Jesus knew the law, knew what the punishment should be. He simply wrote in the sand and said to the clamoring mob – he who is without sin, cast the first stone. After discarding their stones and departing:
“Jesus stood up and said to her, ‘Woman, where are they? Has
no one condemned you?’ She said, ‘No one, Lord.’ And Jesus
said, ‘Neither do I condemn you, go and from now on, sin no
more.'” (John 8:10-11)
The caveat – sin no more. Our goal in correction should be healing never harming. But we shouldn’t ever diminish what was done/said. Correction requires understanding on everyone’s part about what happens next but the goal should always be restoration.