
Game playing. I must admit that I really don’t like this – which could mean that I don’t really know how or that I am really, really bad at doing it. Both could exist but I’d like to think that I am ‘above’ this kind of behavior. The only kind of games I enjoy are ones that you do for fun with others or simple activities like crossword puzzles or solitaire. But game playing seems to always involve a kind of ‘one upmanship’ or doing something that elevates self at the expense of others.

Have you ever been the ‘victim’ of others playing games at your expense? Most of us have. Sometimes there have been ‘games’ that I was totally unaware I was involved in and only discovered considerably later. Why the game playing? Why are people intent on promoting themselves at the expense of others? Don’t they see that they harming themselves just as much? And what happens when you are discovered in the midst of acting this way? How much of your reputation is tarnished?

I’ve discovered, observed that those who play games typically are completely involved in the game. Also they seem to be primarily unaware of people who are not directly affected or involved in their game. The opposite ‘philosophy’ of ‘what you see is what you get’ is rejected out of hand. There’s part of me that believes that when confronted by a wysiwyg person, there is total disbelief and suspicion.

I’ve also wondered about the ultimate ‘prize’. What is won or lost by engaging in gaming? Is the ‘goal’ the prize or simply the game? No one answer since it depends on the people involved, the seriousness of the game, and the ‘stakes’. Regardless… this kind of mindset makes little sense. My (hoped for?) philosophy is that you need not agree with me, my plan, or my methodology – but do you understand why I am suggesting what I am suggesting? If I am asking for your input this is what I want – not someone to say later… I knew it wouldn’t work. A lot of help that is. At one time I think the ‘tag line’ for this position was called transparency. Another word with multiple definitions… and behaviors? Do not forget Matthew 5:37 and 12:36.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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