Submission? Surrender?

In my world of definitions, these are NOT the same words … nor do they have the same definitions – though they are often used interchangeable to mean the same. Is one something that is done to you and the other something you choose to do? Perhaps simplistic, but accurate? Webster – submission: “the condition of being submissive, humble, or compliant; the state of being obedient – an act of submitting to the authority or control of another.” Surrender: “to yield to the power, control, or possession of another upon compulsion or demand, to give (oneself) over to something (such as an influence).” 

Now what do you think? Are they the same? Does it make any difference? The last question can be answered with a resounding ‘Yes’! The whole difference is how we interpret the word, which one is used, and how it directly affects us. When it comes to the church world it is incredibly important because of how it affects how we grow as Christians. Too often the new Christian doesn’t realize that the church world is not necessarily a ‘safe place’. If that sounds harsh and condemning… it is reality. We certainly don’t want a new believer to simply be a notch on our ‘accomplishment’ – the Great Commission tells us to make disciples. WE are responsible to help them grow and not leave them to their own devices.

We ask that others believe what we say but do we, in those essential areas of Christian growth, provide the necessary scriptural support to what we say? Do we simply expect others to accept our understanding? And even more critically – do we take scripture out of context to meet our personal beliefs? Sometimes we are mistaken out of our own lack of understanding. Not that we should censor our thoughts and not speak, but we do need to appreciate the depth that is in scripture and not simply use it to support what we think. Remember Paul’s words to Timothy – (2Timothy 2:15) show yourself approved, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Do I seem to have veered from the initial subject? Not my intent – I have been attempting to give a context to how the church world employs these two words when it comes to helping new Christians. If we expect them to submit to what we say then we need to be absolutely certain that we are explaining scripture by scripture, not just the ‘general understanding’. Surrender? When this word is used, the one to whom one is surrendering is the focus. There in only One…The Lord – not us. I suspect the question of how we demonstrate/model who and how we surrender is inestimable in understanding.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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