Is this all there is????

Kinda depends on the focus? What would you reference? If you are talking about life, then the answer is a resounding – NO! The question should be – do you know where your destiny lies? When you ‘shake off this mortal coil’ where will you be? What/Who will you see? Or do you believe that this life… is all there is? If you are a Christian, you know there is more… yes? I am ‘preaching to the choir’ – yes? So what are you doing about your time here before you go there?

“I’m not a minister! I’m not a missionary! The ‘professionals’ do that work!” Is that how you read Matthew 28:18-20? Not your responsibility…  Not your problem… As many times as I’ve read this scripture and the mandate the Lord gave to His disciples, I’ve never read the word, professional. If you are a believer, then you are His disciple and it is always your responsibility. How you act on this is your individual gifting but it is always your responsibility. And no, I’m not pointing fingers or making accusations – I’m asking pointed questions… as much as to myself as to anyone.

When you go to be with the Lord, don’t you want to know you made a difference for Him? I know I do. But… in the process of this, you really can’t define these words apart from His Commission to us. Even as professed Christians, we can be somewhat cavalier about the time we have. The old – I’ll do ‘that’ later when there is more time and … We all do this. It just is that the Great Commission mandate isn’t as high a priority as we should demonstrate.

The more you believe that there really is more, then the more intentional you will be with you, your time, your resources… your opportunities. How long will it be till the Second Coming? Not the point – we should always act on any time we can share who Jesus is with others to provide their chance to realize that there really is more and they can participate. ‘This’ isn’t all there is… whether or not a person accepts Jesus, they will experience what happens next.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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