“Judgments are a confession of character.” Just read that on a FB post. What a terrific observation.True that! And a wake up call? Surprised? I’m not certain we all realize this or that others may ‘judge’ us by our judgments… but it is a logical progression – yes? Do you engage, consciously(?), in doing the same to others? If so, then expect others to also employ this ‘standard’ to you. All bad? Actually, isn’t it a better, more accurate, reflection of who you are?
Perhaps the last question has you somewhat irritated or musingly wondering? I think it is more than obvious that we act on our judgments – regardless of logical, illogical. There has to be some basis! We all act on some basis/standard when making decisions. The only problem is that we sometimes seem to be unaware that we do! Why would this be? Even worse is a kind of blindness that we are judged by how we make and then act on our own decisions – underscored by our judgments.
The only real question, in my opinion, is how we go about determining how we judge. I realize scripture tells us not to judge (Matthew 7:1-2). But, what’s the context? Because in another scripture (1 Corinthians 11:17-34) we are told to judge ourselves… Contradiction? Hardly. So if there isn’t a contradiction then the issue has to be context. In the Corinthian scripture it talks about judging ourselves before participating in the Lord’s Supper. Totally different from the Matthew scripture.
In another scripture Paul chastises the church for not judging a man who was committing immorality. Eventually, since the man repented, Paul had to remind the church that they needed to welcome the erring man back into fellowship. (2 Corinthians 2:5-11) Again judging and when and how to go about following the Lord’s standard.
Judging is critical. The point is when, where, and how to judge; what to do with the judging; and then how to follow up. There is an admonish about the process in Matthew 18:15-17. Never ignore sin – in yourself, in others, in the church. But this scripture is a process that is available to come to the right answer and response. Sometimes the issue is within the church, sometimes with others, and sometimes with self. Start with you…
“Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test
yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that
Jesus Christ is in you? – unless indeed you fail to meet the
test.” (2 Corinthians 13:5)