Woman’s place…?

I often think that Paul is the most misquoted and misinterpreted writer in scripture. He has been labeled a misogynist by many women who suffered from men who have attempted to put them down ‘piously’ by misquoting or misunderstanding the context of Paul’s words. The women haven’t advanced their ‘case’ either by doing precisely the same thing. 

Do you believe what Paul said? Did his words assume a broad stroke application in all areas of life? Did he dislike or distrust women? And if scripture is inerrant what does this say about females? More… what does this say about how God views women? Do you honestly believe God created a lesser human? Or perhaps you attempt to disregard these scriptures by saying that in today’s world, these scriptures no longer apply? Maybe you just try and ignore this issue?

If you believe that women can’t do an effective job as teachers or preachers then I would suggest you look again at Paul’s words and the context. In that day women sat on one side and men on the other. They would call back and forth across this abyss causing interruptions. Paul was letting them know that this was not appropriate during the service and that husbands should share their understandings with their wives at home. If you don’t agree with this then answer me why Paul entrusted his most important letter, Romans, to a woman to deliver? Why was he recommending the church meetings in other women’s homes?

I would argue that both men and women – the latter by their silence, complicity,
or acquiescence at times, – have perpetrated this misunderstanding for millennia. But could my understanding be wrong? Don’t think so. Let’s start with God’s words in Genesis: 1:26-28. This seems to imply with the word, ‘them’, that both man and woman were created at the same time. If not, why would God say to them in v. 28 – “be fruitful and multiply”? However, if you don’t accept this interpretation, then in 2:18 God says: 

   “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper
    (help mate in some translations) comparable to him.” (NKJV)

‘Comparable’. Sometimes defining words by carnal rather than spiritual meanings causes more problems. Comparable is not ‘the same’. So is comparable to be interpreted as lesser? Don’t think so. Why would God create something ‘lesser’? And helper is rarely defined this way either. ‘Helper’ is no little thing. But it is neither greater than nor less than the subject, in this case –  ‘man’. 

In the end, the point may be where, on whom we have our eyes. Is it me, myself, and I? Is what I do only for me, in my best interests? Is it a false superiority? So what does all this mean? What would be your response? For me, the answer is really quite simple. Galatians 3:27-28

   “For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 
    there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there
    is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” 

Woman’s place is what it was always intended to be – alongside Man. To consign her to anything else lessens both man and woman… and adds a ‘condition’ to full partnership. Do you honestly believe this is what Paul meant or would be God’s intent? 

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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