Self -Motivated?

Does this describe you? Would you want to be considered as a self-motivator? If you were applying for a job, would you indicate this as one of your qualities? Perhaps I should ask – how do you view self-motivated? Is this a positive or not so great a designation? The first thing you need to do is define the word and then indicate how you demonstrate this quality. 

The dictionary defines self-motivated as: “… initiative to undertake or continue a task or activity without another’s prodding or supervision…” Another source: “… motivated or driven by oneself or one’s own desires, without any external agency…” Would you consider those definitions as how you conduct your affairs?  Would you define this ‘attribute’ with those definitions? Is this something that is a positive for you? Or is this an attribute you don’t wish to have? That maybe on the continuum toward self-motivated that you have gone too far? What would stop or inhibit you from being a self-motivated person? Do you see any advantage or only the potential for problems? 

Self-motivated people do not shy from responsibility – actually, I would contend they seek it. Challenge is another attribute that is associated with this behavior and mindset. And this is not careless or unthinking action. Self-motivators, at least in my world of definitions, always have plans and contingency options ready before they embark on an action. These are conscientious people with a high achievement drive.

Is there a ‘downside’ to these people? Assuming and communicating are the only problems I see. There are times when you can be so engaged with what you are doing and where you want to go that you miss that critical step of communication. If there is any quality that is critical for self-motivators it would be communication. Everyone associated with the ‘project’ needs to see what is being done before it’s completed – unless the authority is also extended. But even with this being in existence, I believe self-motivators need to keep those they are working with and those in authority over them fully cognizant of the plan and progress. I also believe that they need to be open to suggestions and don’t do a ‘missing the forest for the trees’. Ownership, especially by those who are involved will always be important. 

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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