Accepting Forgiveness

Contrary to logic, when it is the Lord forgiving us, our acceptance of the offered forgiveness is NOT an easy thing. We rehearse and rehearse, continuing to seek the Lord’s forgiveness from something He has thrown into the fiery pit. So why do we keep bring it up? Not trusting that we really are forgiven? Feeling so bad about what we did/said that we feel we should be punished? Actually, there are a mired of reasons why we keep ourselves in a (forgiven) unforgiving place. It makes no difference if we know better… we still have difficulty in some situations.

Point is… scripture is true. It isn’t necessary to carry around extra baggage that really is no longer part of who you are. Why bring back mistakes from your yesterdays? 1John 1:7-2:2  

   “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins
    and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” v.9 

What’s missing? We confess. He forgives AND cleanses. Where’s the problem? Do we not believe this scripture? Or perhaps it is for others and not ourselves? The Word does not mention continuing to confess. Don’t we believe He is faithful? Exactly WHY do we not accept and move on?

Perhaps we feel we need some punishment? Don’t worry. The ramifications from what you did/said will enact a penalty. And we do have to own the responsibilities from rash or unthinking actions so there is punishment. For me, one of the greatest learnings from these verses is the point that He cleanses us from all unrighteousness. What a gift! What a blessing! Because apart from being in a state of righteousness, we can have no fellowship with Him. 2 Corinthians 6:14 reminds us that there is no relationship when we aren’t equally yoked, which I believe also means that we need to be in a state of righteousness to be in relationship. This is provided! He cleanses us.

Our issue is to accept His forgiveness. And part of this is not continuing the sinful behavior. Neither are easy… but they are simple. We also need to be mindful that as we walk in our forgiveness we can’t do less with others – we must extend forgiveness to them. Revenge, grudges have no place in relationship. 

It really does begin with the awareness that He chooses to forgive us when we come to Him and confess our sins… We need to accept His forgiveness and move on. Walking in forgiveness does begin with accepting our forgiveness, not looking at whether ‘deserving’ even enters the discussion.
Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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