Doesn’t work, you know. The Lord was there when you sinned since He never leaves or forsakes us. I rather think He’ s not surprised when we choose to sin. Disappointed – undoubtedly, shocked and surprised – no. So why do we try to ignore or distance ourselves when we do sin? It never works.. BUT, the Word does provide a remedy – confess. Why waste the time? Return to fellowship with the Lord. He warns us that righteousness can have no fellowship with unrighteousness (2 Corinthians 6:14). And unconfessed sin makes us unrighteous. Restoring the fellowship is so very simple – confess. Read 1 John 1:9-2:2.
Rationally we know this. But I think we all try to ‘save face’. Silly and a total waste of time. The reasons and/or excuses for the behavior are legion and vary with the person… but I think it’s safe to say that most people have attempted to avoid at some time, at least once. At some point though the cloud of deception lifts and we see and eventually own what we did/said. But this can be a very lengthy process if we let pride accompany our sin and delay what we need to do.
Perhaps the point is – just how important is being in relationship with the Lord to you? Will you attempt to hide your sin from Him? Do you know why? What do you gain with this behavior? If we take the flip side and you do confess, what do you do with your confession? Do you allow it to beat you up at every opportunity? Do you purpose in your heart to take a stand against whatever the sin is? But when/if you fall again, will you try again to take a stand or just give up and tell the Lord you just ‘can’t’? Did you forget that He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world? (1 John 4:4) Or that you are MORE than a conqueror? (Romans 8:31-39)
At some point you need to realize that YOU really are an overcomer… in Him. That each time you slip, you quickly acknowledge and confess and once again stand. (Ephesians 6) You also have to learn those things that cause you to stand and those things that cause you to fail – and do the first to overcome the second. Hiding sin. Letting the lies tell you that you aren’t and can’t be forgiven or that you are so unworthy will bind and blind you if you let them. Remember that the Lord is constantly with you helping you to be the best you, you can be. Never let hiding sin control.