Problem solver or Problem creator?

Which ‘condition’ more clearly defines you? Or would you contend that it depends on the circumstances? But being brutally honest… which is more clearly your typical MO? One little hint is, if you make mountains out of molehills then you are a problem creator. It really is quite simple to be a problem creator – think small. Also, don’t make plans because serendipitous is such a lovely way to live … and who can make anyone responsible in this climate? Do point fingers so the blame rests as far from you as possible. There are other ‘qualities’ that support these approaches to life, but what’s the point? Eventually, a fall or crash, or other negative will emerge and you will be totally unprepared. Will others step in and ‘take care of you’?

I know those words sounded harsh – they were meant to be. We don’t live in a world in which we can avoid and escape the ramifications of our actions or lack of actions. You may succeed for some time but eventually… you do have to ‘pay the piper’. Why set yourself up? Is the immediate lack of responsibility a greater incentive for you than a life filled with fulfillment and fruitfulness? For me, problem solving has always been great fun. It’s a terrific learning tool as well. The skills you learn are enhanced every time you tackle an issue requiring solving. Whether you problem solve as part of a team or solo in your own life challenges – one of the greatest tools in your problem solving approach is asking questions. 

One question and then the answer may lead to a different question and direction. The point is the behavior. Brain storming possible answers is also a tool. Depending on the time available, never qualify a response to the brain storming – let whatever is said have equal value until you start the option discovery phase. In this phase you take the ‘answer’ that seems to have the greatest opportunity for success – but also develop your Plan B and C. While you are expecting A to work, don’t assume.

As you can see, problem solving is a process. But the process is focused with the result that is never ‘helter skelter’, there’s an organization and procedures that are in place. Problem solving is also a mindset, a way to quickly and effectively react to any threat or weakness to attaining the goal. It is also inclusive. Problem solving is always enhanced by utilizing the thinking and gifting of others. If you have to do the process alone – then you might consider double checking with a trusted adviser before you act. 

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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