This is an important question… do You believe that if you are on a dead-ended path or an ill thought out decision, that you can’t turn around? Or can you? Are you of the persuasion that you made your own bed and now you have to sleep in it? Or… that you don’t need to compound the problem that you can admit the need for a different (fill in the blank)? Your answer is critical and has far reaching implications for who you are and the life you lead.

I am not implying that you aren’t responsible for the results of your words and action – you always are. Nor am I advising giving up before necessary (reap if you faint not thinking). Nor suggesting taking the easiest path… but I have never been an advocate of compounding the situation. What is so terrible that you would continue on what is a destructive path rather than acknowledging your mistake and changing? If it’s your ego… then that’s a heavy price to pay for it.

If turning around is based in unconfessed sin, then we have an entirely different issue. You can’t turn around if you are still under the cloud of sin or acting sinfully. You need to turn to the Lord and confess first. Get it out in the light and become righteous again. You can. Never forget 1John 1:9 – this is a restoration verse. Associated with this though is the mindset to depart from unrighteousness and to put these temptations as far from you as possible. But… to act as a conqueror (Romans 8:37) when faced by them. Don’t ignore them because they will continue to tempt you – face them head on knowing you have One with you who will aid in your success.

You really do have all the equipping, the defenses necessary to live a life that can adjust to ‘problems’. In the midst of the agony, though we don’t always act with the greatest amount of faith and confidence, purpose to act. Because, we can boast in Him whose grace is sufficient. Bottom line is that when faced with difficulties, we can turn around and meet head on whatever is attempting to defeat us. Turning around can be as simple as determining that the current path does not provide the way to completion.   

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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