You do realize that your ‘want’ is critically important… don’t you? Who you WANT to be and become factors significantly on what you do, learn, say, think, etc… Your want is the glasses you look through and how you think about and judge you.
It is always considerably easier if we do a frank and honest assessment in order to develop our goals, objectives, benchmarks to becoming who we want to be. It is also important if we ‘color’ our wants with our abilities and giftings. Never eliminate a goal because it appears to be too difficult – for heaven’s sake, give yourself credit for what you can do. Difficulty should only be a factor in timing not in attempting. Also, in looking at who you are at this moment, have you stopped to seek the Lord’s advice, His wants for you? I’ve discovered that if I take the time to ask, He will always answer.
Who you want to be is multi-layered as well as multi-factored and yet these multi’s comprise the totality of of your who. Want has to be flavored with dedication, willingness, commitment (a step beyond willing), desire, and a host of other attitudes. If you aren’t willing to ‘pay the piper’ you should never start. There’s a scripture, Luke 14 beginning in verse 28 through 32 that speaks about preparation, and tells us to count the cost and deliberate. While the examples aren’t in terms of personal growth, the principle applies. You will have to prepare.
No one can determine for you who you want to be. That is both your responsibility and privilege. It is also a case that only you can begin walking this out on your path. I recommend looking at long-range as well as short-range goals and objectives. Then celebrate when you have attained the goal – it should be celebrated! But never stop and take up residence at the first attainment. You really are so much more than you think. But taking one step at a time will get you where you need to be… as long as you have the Lord by your side. You will become what you want.