And I mean a close friend… not merely just a group of acquaintances. Someone who knows you – warts as well as those shiny parts. A person who genuinely likes you and wants the best for you. One who doesn’t look and see you in cement but knows that you are continually growing. Someone you can trust. Do you have such a person in your life?
Many people do… many don’t. When you do have such an individual that meets what I have described as a ‘friend’, do you provide the same opportunity for them? Or is this a one-way relationship? Perhaps you don’t feel you need this type of relationship. It may be a silly question but are you such a loner that you don’t need a sounding board to talk things over with that gives you other aspects to consider? Loners can be the result of all sorts of reasons, but if you had a choice – would you seek for such a friend?
I really don’t believe we are meant to be in a solo life – hermits are not the preferred lifestyle. Perhaps your relationships are multiple because you use different people to meet your different relationship needs rather than having only one significant other. To quote the song… “People need people” – true. And the rub is to make the right choice of a friend – not an easy thing to do. It takes time and interactions to know if you are confident enough in the other person to trust them with you.
Sharing self is so easy for some… and so very difficult for others. No blame, no accusation, but do know your style. Never rush. The important point is to be able to find a place and person that give you a kind of refuge to share who you are and what your plans are. No one is infallible, have all the answers, or have access to all the outside impacting information – a valued and trusted ally is who we need. We need someone who is willing to dare (risk) being wrong or have us become upset at their views – who speaks their understanding of truth but in love. It really is our responsibility to be open to opposite thinking.
In the final analysis, it is the Lord who does fulfill that role. He will lead us when we give Him the opportunity. Remember too – He does use others to fill that tangible touch.