Happen to you? I suspect we all have this occur in our lives on some level … frequently. Not really all that unusual, but it can be deadly. When you are so involved in living your life you run the risk of losing you in the process. When your plate is overflowing with demands, requests, activities, people, etc. and when you feel like you have absolutely no time for anything, then frustration rises. Some of us resort to warping into multi-tasking mode. Don’t misunderstand – multi-tasking is, or can be, a great help when we are so overly involved, but it too can be a threat, or minimally a distraction, to the fact that we are losing… us.
What I mean by ‘losing ourselves’ is when we, read that WE, don’t include us in the schedule: process and acts of our day. Face it – no one is going to give us the time to focus on the eternal, the essentials of our lives. Unless we take the time to spend on the Lord – whether that’s prayer, study, reading, writing, thinking – it will not happen. On should include ‘with’. And the point is relationship.
You are very special. We need to understand this and Who made us this way. Distractions and diversions abound and much of it is ‘important’ but so is taking the time for self. If this sounds like a over emphasis on ‘me’ – no, read the context again. I’ve always believed that if we weren’t in a good place as ‘us’ then we probably won’t be able to respond for others in a positive, proactive way. If you truly want to be able to effectively respond then until you’ve taken the time to be with the Lord first, effective may not occur.
All this speaks of our relationship with the Lord – the single most important (my opinion) relationship we have. And, relationship takes time, takes the form of communicating – not just bringing prayer requests but letting Him teach us in the moment. He will. And you will understand… as long as your focus is on what He is teaching and you aren’t also making other plans, for ‘later, in your mind. Losing yourself seems to be an effective strategy our enemy uses to keep us off balance and unsettled. There is a remedy….