I will

Have you ever thought about how many times in scripture we read the words, ‘I will’ from the Lord. Another example, there are 365 verses that say – ‘do not fear’. Incredible – one for each day. If we would only read one verse a day, how would we look on our days and lives? Would this strengthen our faith? I think the answer is a rousing – yes. IF. You can read facts but until they are real for you and you apply them… that’s all they are in your life – a fact, but of little or no significance. Another question might be… will you apply your understandings from scripture?

As Christians we often will quote scriptures… but are they real in our lives? Are they, will they become our ‘I will’? An example, Romans 8:28: 

   “And we know that for those who love God, all things work together 
    for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.”

Believe this? Act on it? How does this verse impact on how you react to the situation you are in? Calm? Harried? Assured? Confident? Fearful? Will you rest convinced? Don’t forget that there are ‘qualifiers’. ‘Know’ is one. Do you know? Even if the result is not what you want or intended, do you know that the ultimate result will be ‘good’? Do you really think you know all the answers or that ‘your way’ is the only way?

Another qualifiers is – ‘called according to His purpose’. Is what you are about – His purpose… or only yours? ‘…for those who love God’ is another factor. You may say you love God, but are you willing to trust in His will? I know I can be a great one to say this and then try and take (fill in the blank) back and ‘manipulate’ it to what I think is best. Rarely is this effective. It isn’t that the Lord won’t allow me to do this, He never imposes, it’s just that when it isn’t ‘…according to His purpose’ that the potential for less than desired results occurs.

Our will is incredibly important. And it isn’t that we are subjecting our will, it is submitting to His though. I’ve learned, and still am learning, that the plans the Lord has are so much more fulfilling and fruitful than mine, that I truly do want to walk according to His will. That is my will – and I will.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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