Walking in the light…

You are responsible! End of sentence. You are also responsible to apply what you know. BUT you are also only responsible in terms of what you know… you can only walk in the light you have. The caveat in this is that you will always, as in always be involved in learning. We never make it! We are in process, we are always growing – and that IS our responsibility. Simply saying you didn’t know or understand is never an excuse. An explanation – yes. Not an excuse. 

   “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know
    in part, then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.”
    (1Corinthians 13:12)

Yes, this verse is part of the great ‘Love’ chapter written by Paul. And yes, it is referring to the power of Love. It tells us (v.10) “…we know in part… but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away.” Yes. Yes. Yes. to all the above. And no, we shouldn’t never take scripture out of context. BUT it does explain our ‘condition’. It does not, however, give us license or excuse to stop becoming, stop growing.

I remember Mom apologizing that she didn’t know (spiritually) more and as a result didn’t teach my brother and I ‘better’. I hastened to assure her that she did not only teach but acted on all the light she had – it was more than only words. That she had provided a terrific foundation for both of us to build upon. True. She also provided an example of continuing to grow in the things of the Lord. 

Again, the points are: act on, not just speak what you know; continue to walk in all the understanding you have; continue to grow to discover who the Lord is in your life and your relationship with Him, and enjoy the journey. If you are so intent and stressed, you are going to miss the joy and fun of discovery. Share what you’ve discovered and never see a ‘disagreement’ as a threat. This may become a deeper understanding.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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