Is this what you seek? Do you want to live a dumbing down life? Low to nonexistent stress and challenges? Is your life sooo full (to overflowing) that non-stress is a high value and you’d accept dumbing down over truth, over pushing your self developed boundaries, over…?
Yes, that did sound harsh. Somehow the mid January through mid March, which theoretically should be a prime time to analyze and develop plans, is a kind of yuk time. Yuk is a technical term denoting: listless, uninterested, slightly bored, unwilling to do very much in terms of (fill in the blank). Does this describe you and your situation? If not, what are you doing with this time? Do you know what you want?
Assuming that you aren’t involved in a new adventure or aren’t exploring new heights or depths of whatever you are involved in, what characterizes this time? Dumbing down may be a result more than a condition, but how much does it direct what you do? Since I tend to urge any reader to grow, to develop, to continue to become – then dumbing down is the antithesis of what your mindset and subsequent actions should display. Engaged, involved, proactive should be the obvious behaviors that are in evidence.
I also assume that there is a value in dumbing down… which is? Avoiding stress is definitely one value but it isn’t stress that’s the issue, it’s how we handle and what we do about stress that is. Believe it or not, stress can be a positive… as long as you control ‘it’ rather than letting it control you. Stress can be a challenge to the status that is only conquered by facing it. Dumbing down requires nothing from us and leaves us in that state.