is You! Hard to accept? Doesn’t seem possible? Sadly, it is true. I sometimes think that far too much ‘credit’ is given the devil, our enemy when it is we who create the problem. He, however, is more than willing to accept the credit for misleading us. But take another look – and yes, sometimes it is his wiles and temptations. Regardless, why do we abandon logic or ethics and do what we shouldn’t?
And yes, the response to the last question is… (fill in the blank) – multiple reasons or attempted excuses. Sometimes we really don’t know. Sometimes it’s simply rebellion or defiance. But it is we who do the doing – rebelling/defying. There is no way the devil has the power or ability to MAKE us do anything. Read that again. He is powerless… remember the scripture that tells us he is LIKE, not that he is.
“Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls
around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him,
firm in your faith…” (1Peter 5:8-9)
Look at Peter’s admonition again. Be sober-minded. Sober. Not sad, not intense, not humorless. So what is ‘sober’? One of Webster’s definitions is: “…marked by sedate or gravely or earnestly thoughtful character or demeanor.” Obviously, an alert person is less deceived by the obvious attempts but they aren’t immune.
To me this is a person who is purposeful and integrous, who attempts to apply a standard of behavior. Peter does give us some behaviors to employ against the devil’s wiles – resist, faith. We can resist. We can overcome. And the bedrock is our faith. Our faith is a mighty defense – remember it is part, our shield, of the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18) designed to protect us as well as help us defend.
We are far mightier than we know… in Him. And the devil would love for us to think we aren’t saved, we are still under the devil’s hand, that even if we are saved we don’t know enough or aren’t spiritual enough or whatever you think your weakness is to be the Lord’s hands in our world. As I’ve said countless times, the devil doesn’t want us saved but he definitely doesn’t want us to believe who we’ve become when we choose Jesus as our Lord.
When we agree in any way that the devil is right then we become his ally against ourselves and our world. Why? Why believe a lie when we have so much evidence proving Who we have accepted? Do you honestly think that the devil is stronger than our Lord? Hardly. Jesus has conquered all and in Him we have access to be conquerors. Use the same defense Jesus used to thwart the devil who was tempting Him. “It is written…” Know what’s been written and then you too can use His words to fight.