‘Why’ is foundational

What controls you… do you know? Perhaps I should have said – what motivates you? Motivate is a much better sounding word than ‘control’. However, I would argue that if you don’t know why you do and don’t do (fill in the blank), then control is a better description. ‘Conscious’ is closer to describing your motivating words and actions. Does this matter? Of course! ‘Why’ is crucial to your understanding… of you! And with understanding, you have the control over changing or retaining what you are and do, how you go about doing you, and why.

Introspection is not necessarily a word people enjoy using in relation to personal discovery and understanding who they are, how they got there, and what they want next. Some people seem advocate a more serendipitous approach to understanding – not sure why. Simply ‘landing’ on an explanation that appears to ‘fit’ may not actually be accurate or lead to understanding. 

Discovering all you can about yourself is really not an ego trip in my interpretation because none of us are perfect or do and say the ‘right’ things every time. We all need improvement but how can you change, grow, improve from a vacuum of knowledge? It is the understanding and appreciation of your who, what, and whys that begin your journey to a new level of growth. And in this mix, your ‘why’ is critical.

Have you never said to yourself, after the act/words, ‘now why did I do/say that!?’ For me, this is especially true if the ramifications from me resulted in negative reactions. I know I have said, ‘but I didn’t mean that…’ and later I had to confront myself on my motives to determine if my why was only a mistake. You can’t avoid your own whys, you may try to brush them away but they are still yours. Saying ‘sorry’ doesn’t work if your subsequent behavior repeats your words/actions. And until you confront your why and deal with it – negative behaviors continue. Why brooks no excuse, though it may listen to an explanation – but it will continue until you consciously choose to change your why.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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