
I read, somewhere, the following:

     Let your dreams guide your steps
     Dare to be feisty
     Write yourself a happy ending
     Listen to your heart
     Sing a song of rainbows
     Dance in the direction of your dreams

Does this ‘speak to you’? Does it make you smile? Does it challenge you to rethink what/who you are or can become? Is your first reaction that it sounds good but unless you have (fill in the blank), not possible for you? Why? 

Do any of these attributes/attitudes have the chance for expression? Feisty?  Isn’t that a choice? Feisty isn’t defined as defiant or obstinate. Webster: “…full of nervous energy, touchy, exuberantly frisky, having or showing a lively aggressiveness, spunky.” If I have a choice in defining then frisky and spunky are the two demonstrations that I think best describe this word. 

The other aspects – dreams guide, happy ending, listen, sing, dance are all behaviors that YOU choose to display. These are never forced on you. But look at the positive attributes that emanate from you choosing these expressions. Seriously, wouldn’t you rather be around people who act this way rather than the sober, melancholy, defeatest, can’t do, sad people?  And yes I know I went to the extreme, but the half-glass full people are far better to associate with then the half-glass empty types.

Our mindset is our foundation, it does direct our thinking, our words, our behaviors. It tells our self as well as others not just what we think but how we think about the subject and how we act. It should also tell us why we think/act in the way we do. Webster says, “…a particular way of thinking, a person’s attitude or set of opinions about something, a mental attitude or inclination…”  From that definition I think you can infer that this is the foundation for our way of responding to our world. 

We are a creation that needs(?) to have some order of looking at and responding, and our mindset – however we acquired/developed this – is how we do our ordering. Therefore, from this ordering we can determine and develop our dreams, happy endings, how we listen, sing, and dance. We really are in control or we give over than control to (???) about what we hear and see, and then what we do with this information. What do You want to do? What is Your mindset? And, is this in cement or open to growth? How does your mindset determine YOU?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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