
From the 2018 Olympics’ commercials:

        “In every challenge, there are two rivals: Belief and Doubt.
         Doubt has a bigger team.
         Belief is outnumbered, but never outworked.
         And when the score is settled, belief rises to the top.”

Have you ever look and belief and doubt this way? Webster’s definitions: belief – “…a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing, something that is accepted, considered to be true…” doubt – “…to call into question the truth of, to be uncertain…” Some of doubt’s synonyms are: distrust, misdoubt, mistrust, reservation, suspicion. Definitely opposites. 

Does this give you sufficient information to know which is your main default? Do you speak and act from belief or from doubt? What kinds of situations would one response prevail over the other? Do remember the context… ‘challenge’! And, what motivates your response? There must be some set of experiences or teachings that determine your primary mode of expression – do you know? What is your foundation, basis for responding? Equally important is being aware of the reaction your responses occasion. Do you understand why the other person(s) subsequently act or speak?

I should think that there is little question that belief and doubt are rivals. I also don’t question that that doubt does have the bigger team. But… are there times when one should prevail over the other? And, do you believe that ‘belief’ does rise to the top? Is there an underdog rooting presence? Is this important? Absolutely! Which is your default speaks volumes about who you are and how you interact with your world. The mildest synonym for doubt, reservation, can still create tremendous power of hesitation. And hesitation can cripple.

What would stop you from a default of belief? I know, I know… it depends on the subject, but as a default practice, if you aren’t operating in belief then you are operating in doubt. You really can’t get away from this. Do you look for silver linings (not rose colored glasses) or positives even in negative situations? I’m talking about the inner forces that sustain you. Again – do remember the context… ‘challenge’! So… Belief or Doubt?

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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