We’ve all heard this admonition… and too often we’ve allow this to dismiss possibilities. But let’s also consider another basis … what’s happening between the covers? Who is doing the writing and what’s being shared? This should be of greatest value in ‘first impressions’ and judging. Are you intrigued? Are you put off? How do you determine that initial decision to pick up or put down the book?
I’m one of those writers that puts great stock in the Preface, Introduction whatever you call the beginning writing before the writing. Personally, I put a great deal of thought into attempting to give a flavoring on what I’m going to be writing. I also tend to choose books in the same way – I read what the writer is saying about what they will be sharing. Prevailing mindset (mine): all writing is a form of sharing the writer – whether fiction or non-fiction, though some (like poetry) are more obvious.
So, what kind of ‘judge’ are you? Are you a give the writer one chance to impress you? A second chance? I do know that when I latch onto a writer that I like, I tend to start at the beginning date of their writing and progress through to the current, whether or not they write in a series format. Why? Because I enjoy seeing how the writer progresses both as a writer and how they go about doing their writing. I also know that I get incredibly impatient when there isn’t a new book to read. But once the writer passes my ‘test’ – my personal reading preferences – I enjoy letting the writer teach me/share their lessons.
I grew up in a home that read, it still is my preferred method of entertainment or leisure. Reading leads me on adventures and discoveries, new concepts I hadn’t entertained or different ways of considering. Not too sure I ever judged a book by its cover. I certainly have judged it by what’s happening between the covers.