An inconvenient truth

Truth is truth… but it isn’t always welcomed. While you’d think we’d welcome truth with open arms, sometimes it seems we want an ‘out’ from the truth. Silly, but there it is. There are people and times when living in ignorance is much the preferred choice. It’s only a delaying tactic so I’m not sure what is gained by this. Actually, one loses both momentum and time by ignoring. Eventually you do have to face the truth and deal with it. Do you know what your inconvenient truth is? Are there many inconveniences?

I suspect there are multiple times that we face this dichotomous situation since it typically will result in  a ‘line in the sand’, an either/or decision. Truth is uncompromisable – it always is an is. There are those who try to compromise truth, to dilute it, to redefine it – never works. Delusion is harmful but when you know the truth, truth, not delusion, will be your guard. Had you ever thought that truth is a guard?


   “… the real facts about something: the things that are true; the 
    quality or state of being true; a statement or idea that is true or 
    accepted as true…”

Do you have a better understanding of truth from this definition? Does it give you a stronger foundation to stand on? Kinda? My problem with this definition is the final 4 words… or accepted as true.? How do you handle that? Majority rule? That, in my world of words and definitions, is not a solid foundation. Plus, it is always subject to change. How can truth not be truth? 

Truth may be difficult to accept and it may be inconvenient but if it isn’t an ‘is’ then what do we do with challenges to what we believe? And that only touches on the issues related to that phrase. Part of our responsibility, in my opinion, is to always ‘test the spirits’ (1John 4:1) and yes I realize that this applies in a different context, but isn’t the essence the same? If you aren’t confident of the source on which you base truth, then doesn’t this define a ‘shifting sand’ (Matthew 7:24-27) situation? Yes this refers to where you build ‘your house’ but isn’t truth part of the foundation? Problems occur when there is an ‘inconvenient truth’ moment. How do you respond?

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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