Paradigm shift?

Our lives go through paradigm shifts often… sometimes so subtly that we don’t seem to realize. It is only when we look back from the vantage point of passing time we currently occupy that we do see. Some of the shifts are defining moments in our lives, some are due to events that have preempted the shift, and some seem to be due to our own changes in thoughts, attitudes, and behavior. I could provide specific examples, but I believe you understand the point. Life is never static.

Many people truly HATE change. They don’t want it. They may not be comfortable in their now, but change is in the same category as confrontation. Avoidance is the mode of handling change and confrontation. It is undeniable that change always, always causes us to confront who we are, where we are, and how we go about living in our now. Same is another word for understanding and coping with any challenge. But life rarely stands still or allows us this approach.

Face it! Life is messy. It has never been ‘easy’ (even for those that seem to never have issues – you aren’t them you know) because we threw that away in the fall (and never think you are superior to the temptations Adam and Eve fell for). There Will be a time when we will be in that place where there is no illness, no death, no stress – but until then… why should you ever assume that life is meant to be simple? We are in training mode until we do change our living condition.

What is always helpful is to realize that a paradigm shift is a good thing. It’s meant to help us to grow, to develop, to become all we can in this life. This is the paradigm shift we should live in. Enjoy! Live life to the fullest you know how to! Be all that the Lord has for you! When the hard times come – use them to continue your journey in this life. Hard times aren’t always a negative, they may be difficult at the time, but you + the Lord can conquer anything. The ‘anything’ may be your attitude, your thinking. Paradigm shifts cause the ‘new’. Not that the old was bad… unless we refuse to let yesterday be yesterday and not move into today.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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