Changing… YOU

Do you want or need to change you? First, it has to become relevant and intentional, not just some vague ‘I need to change… my attitude.’ Without specificity, it will never move into an action phase. Second, what are you changing… into? What do you want as the result of the change? Do you know the cost and price of changing and remaining the same? Why do you want or need to change?

There are a host of other questions but those are minimally ones you need to know your answers in order to effect a positive from your change. We don’t always think about what will happen when we do change and how that will influence how as well as ‘what’ we do and say. Personally I think change is positive because it’s a sign of growth, but change for the sake of change is not a good motivation. We all know that hope is the anchor of our soul, but reason and meaning are the anchor of change… or should be.

So now you know what you want to change. You’ve considered the implications of the change. Now what? Do you feel that the change will be an important  improvement? Does the thought of becoming a better you provide the motivation you need to walk through the change and ramification from the change? Bottom line – without a motivation to change, your level of commitment isn’t strong. Never enter into a change in you if you aren’t prepared and willing to make the change. If you don’t… you may end up in a worse position then you are right now. No change and an irritation that what you thought would ‘work’ didn’t.

Change is rarely instant and it is something you have to get use to… not unlike a new pair of shoes. It will seem strange at first and you will undoubtedly be tweaking as you go along. Change is, after all, always in the state of… change. The point is to be aware – of yourself, of how others react, but mainly whether this is according to what the Lord wants for you. It will be – in time – a vantage point to view from your next change. 

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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