When you say ‘church’, to what or whom are you referring? The building? The leadership? The people in the congregation? Who? Or is it a what? Can you get angry or disappointed with a what? or with only a who? What, precisely, are you seeking from a church? What happens when you don’t experience this… do you take your ‘ball and bat’ and go somewhere else?
Obviously not every church is the best match for every person because just as no 2 people are alike, no 2 churches are – even in the same congregation. People have a tendency to have this unthought out and a rarely defined known about what church means to them. For some it’s more of a social club. For others it’s a place to become renewed, a kind of sanctuary for the soul. Still others have this vague ‘feeling’ about what should happen in a service and become dissatisfied if they don’t experience this. All that to say… not every church is your best match and it can take time to discover which meets your wants.
The problems arise when new leadership takes over and starts developing their conception… especially when it may be a ‘new’. New should never be defined in terms of good or bad – it’s different. But back to your definition – what is it that YOU want from the church you attend? If there is Praise and Worship, if the message preached or taught is according to scripture… what else do you want? What do you need?
Typically when we leave one church, it’s with a vague unhappiness at change or leadership or service. Do we know why? Different from what was can’t be the only reason… unless different doesn’t include what scripture tells us should happen when we gather together. Paul gives us a standard, method in 1Corinthians 14:26-33 – have you studied this? Is this the form practiced in your church? Probably not. Was it a suggestion? Probably not. Is it only for the early church and has no relevance for today? Probably not.
Sadly, sometimes we equate growth with a form of sophistication that takes the life, the creativity out of (fill in the blank). And yet, what has evolved isn’t all ‘bad’ as it does meet needs. But just like our walk, our growth in the Lord can be full of all that He intends… so can our church… and our services. Is leaving our only alternative? Perhaps we do discover a church that fits and meets how we can serve… Just – don’t go away ‘mad’, don’t just stop – find where you feel you can contribute and not simply be a pew sitter.