NO Time

Do you ever feel like screaming out loud – “I have no time!!!” What you are referencing really means is that there is no time for yourself or the activities that are important, bring meaning and purpose to your life – now. So what do you do? Bite the bullet and simply soldier on? Whine? After the temper tantrum is over, what options do you really have? And what are you willing and able to do to develop a space for you?

Bottom line really is that whatever is truly important for us, we somehow make time for. How? Any way we can. But there also seems to be a huge list of those ‘activities’ that are important but we really seem to have no time for and we reallllly don’t know how to change this. Using a different context for a moment… the same ‘cry’ can be made for not having sufficient funds. Look at your ‘check book’ and see how you do spend your money, because that IS what is important to you. Need more funds? What can or will you do to secure them? AND, what cost is there to you to do this? 

Whether it be time or money or (fill in the blank) – we all do what we want with what we have. Is there another way? Of course. But it depends on the priority you place on… Do you really want/need (fill in the blank) or do you only want to whine about your lack? And when you look at your time or your money or your fill in the blank – how are you actually managing them? If you want a different result, what will YOU do to create this? OR… if it is truly out of your control, will you choose to stop wistfully looking at/for or loudly complaining? 

Sometimes it really is an issue of accepting what is the current reality. There is little opportunity for change apart from acknowledging ‘what is’, first. If you have no time – what, from what currently is occurring, can you change so that you do have some time for…? I suspect that we all complain first and analyze 54th (analyzing very rarely is in the top 10). The other consideration is that IF we did have the time… would we use it the way we want? 

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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