I choose

happiness… joy…’a good day’…irritation….revenge… Bottom line – I choose! Your day, Your life is a reflection of Your Attitude. When you wake in the morning, what’s your first thought? What brings a spring to your step and a smile to your face? Or do you groggily get up and figure – same story, different day? Why repeat yesterday? You have already experienced that – can’t you aim higher and expect or create your day in a new way?

New doesn’t always need to be dramatic, though it can be at times. It doesn’t need to have excitement constantly to be a good day… or does it for you? So, if your choice is excitement – do you pursue it? Recognize it when it is with you? Prepare for it? Engage in it? What IS your choice in the day? I believe that our day is truly all we make of it. It can be full of learning and growing, of discovery and maybe even adventure, of anything that you want or need. It all starts with you – your attitude.

I’ve written a number of times about ‘attitude’ because it does underscore how we approach and act in our day. Actually attitude goes further than just what we see… among other information, it tells us what it is, how important it is – the priority, and our why. Our attitude goes further in determining our emotion than anything else. And yet, I would suggest that we don’t check our attitude to determine its ‘rightness’… we just blindly follow, typically subconsciously. 

Back to the focus – what, in your day, will you choose? You don’t just let the day dictate to you, do you? You do engage your day and attempt to find all the positives you can? Do you find the positives even in the hard or difficult times? I firmly believe that it’s these times and our attitude that can bring us into a place far better than just enduring what is. Choose the best for yourself. If you don’t attain ‘best’ at first, don’t stop. Keep looking for what you can see and determine what it is you will choose. 

If you follow Jesus, you will discover that your choices will lead you to your best you. He constantly is with us and wants our very best. Why should we choose less for ourselves? Who we are becoming is always our choice. We are not in the hands of ‘fate’. 

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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