Everyday Christianity for the Everyday Person

OK… question – do you consider yourself an ‘average’, typical, ‘everyday’ Christian? So how is this defined? Seriously. How is this defined, how do you know typical and average? More importantly… is this how you want to define yourself? Why would you want this designation? Is this a case of doing the minimum in order to secure the eternal? 

I know that sounded harsh. Perhaps it’s a kind of ‘wake up’ call to all of us. Stop just a moment and take a look at the world. Yours may be a fantastic life or it may be one full of stress and anguish. Not the point. The point is always you – who you are, what you do with your life, and how you go about being you in your world. So… are you becoming all the Lord has for you and then share this with the world you inhabit?

We all need to take stock every once in awhile in order to assess how we’ve grown and how we’ve honored the One who has made this all possible. Don’t focus on what you haven’t done in the past but commit yourself to today and the future – to be and share all that you are. If you ask the Lord to give you opportunities to share Him, trust me – He will. It can start with a casual conversation with a friend, or a co-worker, or… We need only to have the mindset that we want to be of value to the One who has given us life… abundantly. 

‘Everyday’ isn’t a bad mindset. When the word isn’t used as an excuse, a minimization of being who we are, or a negative, it can become a proactive approach to how to live and work in the world. The point really is – Christianity. How do we live out our Christianity every day? How do share the wonderful difference this makes in our lives? When we meet people where they are and truly listen to them, then we can respond with life giving words. This is a witness, this is being an Ambassador for the Lord, this is no small thing.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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