Greatest obstacle

… or should I say obstacleS, to become the person you want to be is…? Do you know what hinders and/or distracts you from this goal (presupposing becoming the best you IS a goal, a primary goal)? Is it a thought or thinking? Is it an attitude or attitudes? Is it a behavior? What is your greatest problem? Perhaps just as important… can you convert your hindrance into a help? Or is the hindrance something that you need to pull out by their roots? If they (it) do need removing, what will you replace them with?

Perhaps it can be argued that the greatest obstacle(s) is starting. And who is it that does the starting? Yes – You! You really can be your greatest obstacle even with the knowledge/understanding that growth, becoming your best you is in your best interest. Simply the knowledge isn’t enough – you have to choose to do this. Are you up to the challenge, excitement, disappointment, etc. of this kind of journey?

Remember that this is a process, it will never be completed! BUT, you will discover amazing things in your journey. And you will be able to ‘correct’ those things that really need changing and accent those abilities and attitudes that shine through making you your best. Simply take the closest and most obvious obstacle to your journey first. And once this is overcome, choose to continue and tackle the next obstacle – you really can be successful.

I know that I have written on this ‘subject’ before, but I also believe that we all need encouraging along our path to our best. We need to be reminded that it is a journey and that as scripture (1Corinthians 13:12) says:

   “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know
    in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.” ESV

The journey is truly worth the effort. We can be our greatest obstacle or our primary cheerleader. Your choice.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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