Do you have someone to share with, to ‘talk things out’? I would contend that everyone needs a sympathetic but honest ear or sounding board, or ‘confidant’. We really aren’t created to be in isolation, rather, to be in contact. This is important to our soul. Do you know who this valuable and necessary ‘other’ is for you?
Personally, I tried many people (and still ‘use’ some even now) but no one had the time/energy/ability/willingness to be this for me in all aspects of my life,24-7. I really did search until I looked at this from a different perspective: would I be willing and able to do this for someone else? Even if I had the time, energy, and willingness; would I have the ability? Don’t think so. No fault, no foul. The reality is that none of us are infallible. We don’t know the end from the beginning.
However, what can we do? We can always, always turn to the Lord. He is there for us. The pictures that always play in my mind is the one depicted in Genesis of God and Adam walking in the cool of the morning, talking and when God brought the animals to Adam to name. I believe that this is how it is for us, what can happen when we engage in discovering our relationship. And when we use scripture as our guide, it opens up vast vistas for us to explore.
“Come now, and let us reason together; saith the Lord: though your
sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as show; thought they be
red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” (Isaiah 1:18)
If Adam had this kind of relationship, can’t we? Granted, this was before the fall, but I believe that God has always desired an intimate relationship with us and we are our stumbling stone. God is always speaking, always listening – do we? When we realize that He told us He would never leave us or forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6 and Hebrews 13:5-6) that does mean – us. When we accept Jesus as our Lord then all of us inherit through Him (Romans 8:29-30).
And all this means that I can turn to the Lord and seek His wisdom, talk out what I’m thinking, and discover His ways, methods. This means that as we walk in relationship we walk in confidence. We can always talk things out…