God can’t use me! I may be saved since I accepted Jesus as my Lord, but you don’t know what I was, what I did, how I did all those terrible things. There’s NO WAY I can be used. News flash… that’s a lie! Of course you aren’t worthy, that’s not the issue. Of course you did what you did, that was then. Bottom line: YOU can’t look at yourself with yesterday’s eyes! Yes, you were all that, but when you were saved, you start from now. God has a plan for you!!! But it is YOUR choice to say ‘yes’ to the Lord.
“For all have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23)
Well… now you know you aren’t alone. But did this reality stop God? No! So why buy the lie and believe you can’t be used. There was a terrific post that shared all the people God used and who these people were and what they did. For example: King David… he had an innocent man killed so he could have that man’s wife. Another man, Abram, tried to circumvent God’s plan by conceiving a child with his wife’s servant (upon the wife’s insistence) whose seed has been at odds ever since with the legitimate heir. Saul, a man who tried to wipe out Christianity by having them killed… who became the major writer of the New Testament. And there are other examples. Who are you to say that God can’t use you?
“Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save, or His
ear dull, that it cannot hear…” (Isaiah 59:1, ESV)
If He is able to save, He is able to enable, equip us to serve. It’s truly up to us to change our focus from who we were to who we can become in Him. Jesus told us…
“I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever abides in Me and I in
him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do
nothing.” (Jon 15:5, ESV)
See! You aren’t expected to go it alone. That’s not His plan. He told us He would be with us, it’s our choice to abide in Him. When we do – the we bear much fruit! We can’t do anything apart from Him. I suspect we’ve all experienced what happens when we try and do it ‘our way’. Why not accept His gift and experience the joy and fulfillment? Of course we are of value. He chose us and wants to help us enhance our giftings.