Have you ever thought about what heaven is like? Do you have any conception of what you will be doing? Or do you think you’ll be sitting around chatting with others and attending Praise and Worship services. And… is there any relationship to what you’ve done with your time here, in this life, that is giving you clues to what you’ll be doing? Do you care?
Personally, and yes, perhaps my age is showing but I’ve always been intrigued, I am immensely curious. There are certain ‘things’ that I’m convinced won’t be occurring such as sitting around on clouds with fairy wings strumming lutes. Unless there is some intrinsic value that I’m missing, I would think this to be a big yawn. AND… I don’t think this is the case. My guide is scripture, especially but not limited to Revelation.
In chapter 17 verses 7-14, it ends with:
“They will make war on the Lamb, and the Lamb will conquer them,
for he is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those with Him are
called and chosen and faithful.”
Another point about being involved is: why would God spend all this time and energy on us to teach and train us if there wouldn’t be continued need and use? I don’t believe we are ever meant to merely ‘sit’. Other hints come from the words of Jesus: Luke 18: 29-30 and Mark 10: 29-30. It all comes down to who we are, whose we are, how we demonstrate (not just talk) the importance of living a Christian life now, and so many other things.
Could I be mistaken? Of course. But what if I’m not…… I believe that this life is prep ground for our future life. We will need to learn and apply, to become Paul’s workman (2Timothy 2:15). Read Revelations 22 – what a glimpse into our future!