Ever feel or think this way? You’ve just said or did something that surprises even you. And yes, this is both the positive as well as the negative acts/words. Do you ever wonder about yourself as to where (fill in the blank) came from? There is always a source, a motivation that prompted … always. Sometimes we really are surprised… and then there are those times that something else prompted us.
Is it necessary to analyze everything we do or don’t do? Yes. Why? One reason we need to remember this is found in: Matthew 12:37, Romans 14:12, James 3:6. Bottom line is the we are held accountable.
“For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will
be condemned.” (Matthew 12:37)
Simple example, do you agree to do something for someone and then close to the last minute contrive something else to do so you don’t have to? Or maybe you pass on some gossip that you personally have not witnessed. Or perhaps you subtly ‘taint’ the mind of someone either for or against another person based on your own feelings. All of those examples speak to our motivation and if we don’t accept our own behavior and change then how can we be acquitted?
“I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every
careless word they speak.” (Matthew 12:36)
We are warned. We need to listen to what we are saying and be aware of how our words are affecting the listener. This really should not be a ‘fear’ issue but a standard upon which we can judge if we are living up to the standard we have set for ourselves.
Is our public me congruent with our desired me? If not, this is one area that we need to bring into the center of our attention. We do have the power and control to become all that we are intended to be. This decision is ours and how we approach it determines how we are ‘repaying’ the Lord all He has done for us. Which, what you do you express? Is your real and desired the same?