What has ‘retirement’ to do with the context/focus of my blog? Actually, quite a lot? Are you the type that longs to retire? Do you ‘hate’ the idea because your job/work really defines you, who you are? Do you have plans for the now open time? Are you concerned about any aspect of your view of retiring, such as – will your money last? See… there is a lot of relevance. And if you haven’t contemplated your own retiring (regardless of age) you really should.

Retirement’s definition in my world contains some definite ‘nots’. Example: retirement is not simply sitting down and doing ‘nothing’. There are some ‘components’ of retirement that you don’t retire from. Again, example: you don’t stop discovering who you are and how you go about being you. Now you have the time you didn’t have when you were working. So what do you want to do, to discover or confirm about yourself? Volunteer? Good choice but what you really need to do is to discover who you are that doesn’t include going to a job every day – regardless of whether or not you enjoyed it.

Bottom line… there’s a whole new world to discover and how you want to define your who in it. And yes, the reason I’m writing on this subject is because I have just entered this world, this new life. AND… I’m excited. Will I live out my finances? Don’t know, but one thing I do know – if I do need to go back into the workforce, the Lord has already prepared this for me. Yes, finances are important… but there are so many other areas that are even more important such as walking in the gifting the Lord has placed in me. I truly do not want the basic needs to get in the way of this walk. 

Retirement, in so many ways is merely a new opportunity to look at one’s life and discover what you can do with what’s been given you. There is a special lady in my Bible study group that exudes the gift of Hospitality. Is that truly a gift? I think so. She is always ready to volunteer to help whoever or whatever needs to be done. But what’s your gifting – that’s the question to be answered. As you look back on your life with the Lord, what stands out as the times you felt His hand on you in confirmation of what you were doing? That may be your gifting that you can emphasize. Never accept that all you can do is sit. You are so much more than you think.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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