The Great Search

While this issue can be argued that it’s too sweeping and individualistic to pin down, I will always argue that the Great Search is for meaning and belonging. However, I would also maintain that these are so closely related, that in finding one… you find the other.

At the basis of seeking ‘fame and fortune’, this can become hollow without a context, a foundation. In the midst of seeking this outward goal, what is the root? What and how do you know… by the visible trappings? What about the person in all this – who are they and what are they becoming? I will always argue that the root really is meaning and belonging. What do you ‘do‘ with fame and fortune… that determination falls into the ‘meaning’ category, but in and of itself… it has no significance. To Whom do you give the credit for your fame and fortune? If it is only you, then you’re blind. If you acknowledge how and when the Lord provided you with the ability then we begin to talk about belonging.

Belonging. Meaning. These two concepts do overlap and define one another, at least in my world of definitions. They are 2 of the pillars from which everything else is built. Granted, these are my definitions but I think they stand the test of time. Belonging is always a sense of community, of family. In fact, the overriding definition of belonging is family – however you define family. It is your world in which you live. It is the context in which you can ‘experiment’ with expression and ideas – a safe environment to grow. For some, it’s simply and profoundly … relationship. 

Meaning…it’s crucial. It is the glue, the reason; it is the purpose, the goal. Meaning is individually defined and is closely align with mission and passion… vision and depth. And yes, it is difficult to adequately describe… however, you know it when you experience it. This is why you do what you do and say what you say – it’s your defining characteristic. It’s fruitfulness and fulfillment, it’s life. If there is no meaning, there is existence, but there isn’t life. 

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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