The ‘little’ things Do make a difference! They are important! Sometimes this is what is remembered and not the beginning nor the end result. However… ‘little’ needs defining and what may be ‘little’ to one may be critical to another and of no consequences to yet another. Therefore, this requires us to look at our own personal ‘little’ things, our own priorities, what is important in our lives, etc. And we need to realize and not accept when our little thing is not accepted or recognized by others… and vice verse. Little things are always important!
Why my emphasis? Because I believe it is the ignoring, lack of attention, etc. of our little things that can become stumbling stones. And a pebble can do a great deal of damage and start a cascade of much larger stones if left unchecked, unanswered. When we don’t attend to these little things, our emotions can become our driving force – even when we don’t realize this. Do remember that the lack of attention by others of our little things can stem from the fact that we’ve never shared them so if they aren’t significant for others, they will go unnoticed and unfilled.
An example of a little thing in my world is my love of ancestry research. Don’t get me wrong. This is fun and entertaining and enlightening in the discovery about ancestors. However, it isn’t critical to what I do or how I act in the day. Yet, the discoveries I’ve made give me understandings in some of the things I tend to be interested in and how I go about this. Is the Lord in this? Of course. He is involved in everything that I do because the point is – I always invite Him into my day and what I am about.
Perhaps a round about way of getting to the main point… Because inviting the Lord, consciously doing so, is the mindset I advocate. If you remember scripture, God walked with Adam in the cool of the morning – that was a relatively, or seemingly, small/little thing. And Jesus stopped the ‘adults’ from baring the children from approaching Him… and He laughed with them. That too is no little thing.
I firmly believe that the Lord doesn’t want to be involved with us only in the hard times, the crises times, the desert times. Obviously, He will be with us then and will help us find a way through. But the joyeous reality is that He also enjoys being with us ALL THE TIME, which includes the fun, the joy, the happy moments. When we operated from the mindset of consciously inviting Him into the day, at the start of the day, then we enhance our day. Why not enjoy the little things with Him as well? Then again… is there really any ‘little thing’?