
We all have expectations in all parts of our lives. Whether or not you acknowledge this or feign ignorance, they exist. Sometimes they aren’t acknowledged because we don’t want to be disappointed if they aren’t accomplished. But ‘expectation’ does need defining since this word does have multiple applications. 

Simply, Webster defines the word by the word – “…the state of looking forward to or waiting for something…”. Not certain this gives us any depth of understanding. Expectation is looking forward/waiting – but it isn’t always positive. Example: waiting for the other shoe to drop. I do. This is not an unfamiliar feeling. But this word is so much more. Why wait? Why pray? … if we don’t expect? 

Is there such a thing as a ‘spiritual’ expectation? Obviously, yes. But I think the important point is how this directs our lives. We have evidences of this throughout scripture that is summarized in Hebrews 11. All of these people had as their foundation for expectation – faith. And I do believe this is one of the keys. How can we possibly have a positive view of expectation apart from faith? The people described in Hebrews 11 acted on faith that what they expected would come to be. 

I do realize that there are those who believe that there is no such thing as expectation that is based in scripture. They point to hope and trust. But isn’t expectation based in hope and trust? When we don’t immediately see the fruit of our expectations, do we just throw up our hands and walk away? Or do we wait, expectantly? 

I personally believe that there is a passive side to expectation – wait, and an active side – continuing to walk believing. I don’t see them separated. Expectation is based in faith… in hope… in trust that what we are seeking is going to be manifested. If not, why pray for these things? I do think that expectation can be a strong motivator to continue. Then again… it may be all in the definition. 

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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