That phrase caught my eye. The writer, one of my favorite authors, Jacqueline Winspear, used it in reference to women war correspondents, “…because a dose of fear can keep you alive in a conflict zone.” That statement is good advice for us in our spiritual warfare. Granted,
“Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking
someone to devour.” (1Peter 5:8,ESV)
But the previous verse also tells us to cast our cares on the Lord because He cares for us. So we do have our answer. Do we act on it? Sometimes yes, sometimes not so much. Part of our problem is our mindset that as Christians, we shouldn’t be afraid… ever. Not the case.
Actually, I think we have it all wrong when it comes to fear… then again, it may simply be an issue of definition. On the plus side for fear, obviously, we need to be ‘afraid’ when it comes to being in harms way. It’s truly silly to be in a place that even angels don’t want to tread. We sometimes do this to ourselves unintentionally, but to consciously put ourselves in harm’s way – not wise. If it is used as a ‘check’ on upcoming plans and actions, then this too may be viewed… maybe not as an plus, but not necessarily a negative. But obviously this is a different definition of ‘fear’.
As with so many concepts, words, definitions, etc. it may simply become an issue of perspective. I try to look for ‘silver linings’ when (fill in the blank) transpires and I discover that I am in a place that causes fear. I don’t like fear and I don’t want to allow it to control me. Therefore, I attempt to put a more positive spin and learn from my experience. I definitely don’t go looking for opportunities to be in fear… I just want to have the control to redirect the fear when fear raises it’s head.