No one, as in no one, is ever ‘ good enough’. You do realize that no one ever defines those 2 words. Scripture quotes Jesus (quoting Psalms) as saying that no one is good. Read: Romans 3:10-12; Psalm 14: 1-3; Psalm 53:1–3… so why do you think you are… at least ‘good enough’? There has to be a standard, a basis from which you can judge yourself – am I, when/where/how/in what situations can I make that claim of ‘good’?
One must also wonder at the use of ‘enough’ to attach itself to ‘good’. What exactly does this mean? Yes – individually defined, typically as an excuse. If we say we (or the situation – fill in the blank) is good enough then we can cease trying to perfect whatever the focus is. The status of good enough is truly a cop out. We really don’t want to do more.
Often it’s used descriptively. The meaning is apparent that moving on should now become the focus. Why? Why go into anything not completely prepared? And/or why be satisfied with ‘second best’? Because if anything describes or defines ‘good enough’ it is ‘second best’. Even if we can never attend ‘Good’, shouldn’t we at least attempt to attain it – because it’s worth it!?
Perhaps the point is that we need to look at scripture again – it never says ‘enough’ after good. What is it trying to tell us. It certainly isn’t that we shouldn’t try. When I’m attempting to discover the scriptural definitions of words, I often turn to: and look to the verses indicated. In this case, ‘good’ is defined:
“… Possessing desirable qualities, beneficial, agreeable …
Moral excellence, piety: Kind, benevolent: …
Serviceable, adequate, sufficient: … Not small or deficient (full, complete), etc.”
This last description should put to bed the idea we can get away with ‘enough’.
We have not been saved, taught, empowered to be only… enough. As Christians we have a duty, obligation, whatever you wish to call it to continue to become the best we can be. We should be so grateful that the Lord saved us that we feel compelled to share what He’s shown us. We should be walking in the joy of His strength with the complete confidence that though we may not be good in the sense that it was and is stated, but that we can always work to become the best we can be to His honor and glory.