How do you respond to this word? Does it entice you or repel? Obviously, it depends on the context because no one should accept a dangerous challenge. Challenge is perhaps the best descriptive word for dare. But fool-heartiness is never descriptive. Though those of a higher threshold to risk may not fully comprehend the severity… there is no need to go where even angels fear to tread.

Dare. As children we did use the word to challenge a rival, friend, other to attempt (fill in the blank). Many times it was a challenge that even the one saying it wouldn’t accept. Then there are the adjectives associated – double dare, which turned the dare back on the dare-ee. Point is – what actually constitutes a dare? And is it always necessary to accept one? Webster:

   “… to challenge to perform an action especially as a proof of courage;
    to have the courage to contend against, venture, or try;
    imaginative or
vivacious boldness…”

Question: how did you feel when a dare was issued to you? by you? And when one was issued to you – how did you respond? Did you always ‘accept’ it? What happened when you issued the dare? Did the other person accept? How we respond to issues that appear to be ‘dare’ based is important. remember that not all challenges are ‘dares’, but it probably is true that all dares are challenges.

Look at scripture and when Jesus was ‘dared’ by the devil, because I do believe those temptations were dares to Him. What did He do? His response – He stood on His foundation, scripture. He responded by saying, “It is written…” This might be an excellent plan for us, the perfect response. Then again, I believe the devil through temptations and seductions, is always trying to challenge us, to tempt, to dare us.

However, can we always accept the devil’s dare? We can’t if we don’t know – what is written. The devil knows scripture and twists it to fit his purposes. We can easily be deceived (not unlike Eve) into believing him rather than knowing the Word. ‘It is written’ is our defense. When we put the word into our mind then we are armed against challenges. If you recall… in Ephesians 6 when the word talks about the full armor of God, that our offensive weapon is the sword – which is the word of God.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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