Rethinking what you thought

Great title – yes? What it means is that we never assume, we are always open to enlarging our perception and understanding. In my world, it also means that the phrase, ‘I’ve always believed that…’ may be accurate, but have you expanded your ‘believed’s’ understanding… is it present tense, ‘believe’? Also, in my world, ‘thinking’ (except for foundations) is always a proactive approach to aid in an expanding definition rather than in cement.

One danger I feel we need to be aware of…continually, is becoming too comfortable in where we are and what we think. Complacent is a mindset to avoid at all costs. Comfortable is not the intention of rethinking. It’s not a ‘throw the baby out with the bathwater’ either, it’s a conscious decision to see in what ways and how the what is ‘always believed’ is still present, actively.

In so many areas of our lives, we are continually growing and expanding what we think and know. Example: technology. It really isn’t that long ago that our current cell phones were only a hypothetical dream in someone’s thinking. But look at the impact they have now! Personally, I would be severely limited without my phone since it functions in so many other aspects.

However, do we apply this same mindset and behavior to our spiritual lives? And if not, why? There is absolutely no way that we have mined all the treasure that is available for us. The Bible is a book that continues to resonate as we continue to grow in our understanding of who we are, what we do, and how we go about being us. Remember that we are always in the process of being perfected. We definitely have reached that state… it is never an overnight attainment.

Rethinking is NOT doubt. Don’t fall for that. Rethinking is really refining… and we are all in need of refining.

“…so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ;” (1 Peter 1:7)

We are required to present ourselves as workmen, able to present the word of faith (2Timothy 2:15). We can’t do this unless we know with that depth of knowing what we believe and why. Scripture provides us our proof and our testimony provides us with our proving. The more you develop a deep understanding the more you will speak with confidence about Who you believe. This understanding is never a one and done… it continually grows as we grow. Therefore, grow your understanding, grow your perception… Grow

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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