Are you? To whom are you accountable? And for what? Many people? Many things?
Actually, do you know what accountable means? Webster says: “required to explain actions or decisions. Synonyms – amenable, answerable, liable, responsible”. It doesn’t say that if you have those to whom you ‘report’ to, provide your thinking about plans and action, that they control you or inhibit you from accomplishing your goals. These should always be trusted, confidential, and mature people who speak into your life.
Being accountable is also your safety net – if you aren’t doing what you are supposed to, then those to whom you are accountable can provide options… and warnings that you may be facing other ‘issues’ if you continue on the path you are on. These trusted advisers never make the final decision on how or when you act… they are your sounding board, your option helpers – people you know have the wisdom and motive to aid you.
At one time it seemed like ‘accountable’ was mis-defined and ended up with a bad rap. You really aren’t seeking approval so much as you are seeking reactions so that contingency plans are in place when problems arise. Also, very few of us have all the wisdom and understanding required and another set of advisers is a great backup. Sometimes the negative reaction to the word stemmed from a lack of understanding the ‘boundaries’ that direct those who are the advisers. They never tell you what to do, they don’t do the doing, ultimately… you are the do-er and the one responsible.
Who do you seek to be your ‘board of advisers’? What qualities should you seek? People who listen first before providing their input. People who aren’t naysayers nor simply rubber stamp. People who want the (fill in the blank) to succeed. Those who exhibit wisdom and understanding. Tall order. And these are only some of the qualities because you may have more. The point is – we all need those who will take the time to hold us accountable. Proverbs:
“Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed.” (15:22)
“Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in the multitude of counselors there is safety.” (11:14)
“The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, But a wise man is he who listens to counsel.” (12:15)
Scripture has many verses that commend this action to us. We can chose to follow this so that success may be achieved. Or… we can go it alone. The question is… is being accountable important to you?