The hole

I read, heard that we all have a hole in us… and, that the only thing that fills up or satisfies is God. Believe this? I do. I think that many of us try to fill the hole with everything we can think of… fame, fortune, multiple people/places/things, etc. But nothing ever seems to fully satisfy, to end the hunger and thirst… except God. I know we fight this, or at least many of us do, but quite honestly, nothing does bring a closure to the hole apart from God. Fanciful? Don’t think so.

Though I was brought up in a Christian home and was very involved in my church, I knew, felt something was missing. I did attempt to fill it with those things that I thought would meet the need. It didn’t. So what was I missing? And more important, what could I do? The path really was relationship – though I didn’t realize it then. Did I turn to the Lord then? Probably not.

I know that the popular belief is that there are many paths. Not. At least in terms of the destination – that is always the same. Paths that refer to how we get to the destination, now that I do believe. I also realize that the ‘only one destination’ flies in the face of current practice/belief and is far from being ‘politically correct’ (but what does that mean and does it matter?). No. Unapologetically, they are wrong. There is only one destination and that is with the way – Jesus. He is our entrance to relationship with the Father.

We don’t need to live with that unfulfilled feeling. We are invited into a living relationship with the Lord. He doesn’t want us to live a lacking life. Once we know what the answer is, then it’s our decision on how to respond to the Lord’s invitation, whether to accept Jesus as our Lord. Actually this is a no-brainer once we consider what we receive when we accept this gift. However, it is us who have to accept and take that step toward our new, fruitful, and fulfilling life.

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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