I always describe my writing as not being rocket science … which got me to thinking about how salvation can be characterized as not being rocket science. Think about it a moment. What are we told? “That whosoever believes will be saved (John 3:15) and “There is no other name (Jesus – Acts 4:12). Simple and straightforward – yes? Then what’s our problem!?!

Is it not that the first declaration we make, stops us: “…with the mouth one confesses” (Romans 10:10)? Or perhaps the realization that our lives will never be the same. It can’t be a continuation because what we have now understood is transformative – we aren’t who we were before salvation (2Corinthians 5:15-20! But what is it that we now need to do?!

Actually there are a number of things we need to do… but some of them aren’t always obvious. We need to remember that we have now begun a new adventure but that we are also enabled, equipped, and empowered and that all this is a process of discovery. But specifically I believe that the beginning steps are crucial or we don’t begin what we’ve started. One of these first steps is to begin reading scripture. The Bible is our handbook for living but sitting on the table accomplishes nothing. Now… where to begin?

For new Christians I always recommend starting with John. John provides a wealth of information in terms of Jesus’ teachings. It starts with…

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1, ESV)

Translations are important, and the more you have the more it will expand your understanding. Starting with the NASB or NKJV is always my suggestion. But the point is… begin reading. John helps us to put into a context who we are, Whose we are, and what the teachings reveal. As you grow in understanding then you have a wealth of knowledge as you read the New Testament.

Simultaneously, find a Bible believing and preaching church that meets your needs so that you have fellowship with other believers who will also assist in your growth. (Hebrews 10:25). Quite honestly, we need one another since none of us has all the truth and understanding. It’s as we share what we know that when our understanding isn’t complete, we sharpen one another (Proverbs 27:17). Always use scripture to verify what is said, test the spirits to prove truth (1John 4:1-6).

Again… none of this is rocket science, but I don’t believe it’s meant to be. We all come just as we are to a knowledge and recognition of our need for a saviour. But Jesus never expects us to stay there. He wants the best for us and that always begins with growing

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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