Yes I know… sometimes it seems like this is the most incredibly difficult thing to accomplish. But those times of being completely confident are worth the search. When you do then everything seems to fall into place. The things that aren’t part tend to evaporate of their own accord. Finding your purpose centers you and everything you do and say is evaluated against this standard.
Does your purpose ‘change’? Do you experience success? If you do then I believe your purpose, not the essence, but the expression or depth of understanding does increase. If this is the definition of ‘change’ then yes – your purpose changes. My caveat on this is that it is dependent upon whether you’ve accomplished what you need to. You can never move on with danglings (my word for unfinished ‘business’). Mostly I believe that rather than a change it is more of a refining, a deeper revelation that then spurs the search.
However, I also believe that this starts from a foundation of belief that You aren’t here by mistake. You are not a mistake. And you are where you are supposed to be. If you don’t believe this then life takes on a shifting sand basis of understanding. Simultaneously, I believe we all need to know and accept that there are certain aspects of our walk that do not change. All this begins in our relationship with the Lord.
Scripture gives us countless verses that declare that God doesn’t change. That when He says something, it always happens (Isaiah 55:11). The point is – we NEED stability, we need to know what never changes. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8). When we know and believe this then we can act confidently.
To be fruitful and fulfilled you have to find your purpose. So how do you go about actually doing this? 1. Discover what’s at your hand that needs doing and act because you are equipped and enabled. 2. Discover what YOU like to do, what brings meaning to your days. Examples: for me, it’s writing – this brings meaning and purpose, for some it’s working with their hands to create (fill in the blank), for others it may be doing those acts that bring comfort or joy to someone else. Actually, if you do those 2 ‘Discover’ things, you’ll probably be acting according to your purpose. The question might be: When you finish doing whatever you are – can you stand and feel ‘good’ about it? If so, then that is further confirmation. You may not always see the fruit, but knowing you did what you could … priceless.