Something’s… missing

Ever feel that way? Something’s missing or just not… ‘right’. You really don’t know what it is or what you can do, but that sense of unease is very present. So, what do you do? Do you take the time to discover the ‘source’ of your discontent? Do you try and ‘ride it out’? And do you remember that even though you may get some relief, the discontent returns?

I wrote about ‘the hole’ in all of us some months ago. This is a variation on that theme. Whether you identify your feelings as discontent, something’s missing, a lack of completeness or (fill in the blank)… Until you do face the issue, it will always remain. Point is… the Lord is always wooing us, trying to help us realize that the ‘missing’ or lack or discontent is related to our state. This state is referred to as unsaved, not born again, not complete. For you, I pray it is never rejection of His outstretched hand.

Perhaps the issue is that you don’t see your need? Do you? Or do you think that you are ‘good enough’ and there’s really no need to be ‘saved’? Perhaps you don’t believe that God would condemn you to hell… if there actually is such a place. Perhaps you are the independent type and want to do ‘ it your way’. Again, this still speaks to your status as unsaved. What actually is stopping you from becoming part of the family of God? Is it pride?

Is there ever, in the back of your mind, the wonder if I could be right? That all the people over the centuries who have believed and become Christians and believed in the future of eternal life could have it ‘right’? Granted, many of those professing to be Christians didn’t always act correctly, didn’t always act according to the principles and standards… but that doesn’t make them (both the people and the principles) ‘wrong’. If others’ behaviors are the basis of your lack of acceptance, then you don’t understand the principles. It is true that even if you were the only person, Jesus would have done all He did… for You.

What will take away your feelings of ‘missing’? Accepting Jesus’ gift of life. Why is your only path Jesus, why do you need salvation? Simple. Without it you are not saved and without Jesus you have no atonement or redemption. There is never anything you can do to ‘save yourself’. And yes, this does mean that you have to view scripture as the manual, the basis for life. Even if you don’t understand, it doesn’t mean it isn’t truth.

Salvation is the first step. And nothing can happen apart from this beginning. The next steps are growing in understanding, becoming, and acting as the person that you can be. This will always take away the feelings of ‘missing’. Then again… perhaps the problem, issue, concern is… changed…?

Picture of Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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