It sometimes isn’t easy…

Standing on what’s right according to the Lord’s principles isn’t always easy. It isn’t always popular… but that doesn’t make it wrong. Simplistic perhaps, but truth is truth and doesn’t suddenly become ‘relative’ when truth doesn’t mesh with popular thought (or our ‘comfort level’). Whoever said that being a Christian is a walk in the park didn’t realize just how many of those principles in high places are aimed at us. However, we are protected and armed, equipped to be in a battle (Ephesians 6:12).

Standing includes more than just standing… we are told to study so that we handle the word of truth correctly… which, when we do, increases our confidence. Our role is to fulfill the requirements first:

“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.”
(2 Timothy 2:15, ESV)

The problem is our attitude toward ‘study’. For many, this is an obstacle to ‘get on’ with what is wanted, needed. However, unless we do what’s required we may stub our toe… or worse. Studying is not an option, especially if we want to be of use.

Our focus shouldn’t be on the difficulty or ease of being a Christian. (However… if it is ease, we should probably double check what we are doing and saying.) We should be focusing on what our message to those in our world says. Do we act as conquerors or the vanquished? Do we speak truth in love or bang other’s over the head, or worse – try not to be so ‘religious’? What are our words and actions, and do they boldly proclaim?

You will never read in scripture that being a Christian is the easiest path – we are to take up our crosses daily! But… we are always equipped and enabled to be who we are in our world. We are not alone – we have One who sticks closer than a brother. We truly do have all we need. And no, that does not make our daily paths easier. But it confirms who we are becoming and whose we are. And when we are fruitful then we are blessed.

Dr. Carolyn Coon

Dr. Carolyn Coon

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